Our power is becoming increasingly greener! By 2024, MPE's power supply will be at least 50 percent renewable. By 2025, we plan to be 60 percent renewable. In 2020, it was 33 percent renewable (up from 24 percent renewable in 2015). Locally, we purchase:

  • 5 million kilowatt-hours per year from hydro-generation at Granby Dam
  • 2.5 million kilowatt-hours from the Tom Sifers Solar Array in Fraser
  • 2.5 million kilowatt-hours from the Whiskey Hill Solar Array in Walden
  • Excess generation from more than 250 local net-metered renewable energy systems, including the Town of Walden's floating solar array 

Large-scale local renewable energy that we purchase (listed above) is approximately 20% lower in cost than the rest of our purchased power. Lowering power costs is one reason we continue to evaluate and pursue local/regional renewables. The other reason is to reduce our carbon footprint (cleaner air).

MPE also:

  • Helped West Grand School District acquire one of the first electric buses in the state
  • Continues to evaluate local community solar opportunities
  • Offers our Electrify Everything Program, which provides financial assistance for qualifying energy investments, including the Town of Fraser's and Town of Grand Lake's Level 3 EV chargers, numerous residential solar projects and more. 

Read more about our renewable energy progress below:


Granby Dam (Granby, Colo.)
​5 million kilowatt-hours a year of electricity (1.2 MW nameplate capacity), enough to power approximately 640 homes a year within MPE’s service area.

Town of Grand Lake - Micro Hydro-Recovery System
40,000 - 55,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity/yr.

Western Area Power Administration (regionally generated)
199 million kilowatt-hours of electricity/yr., 12% of Tri-State G&T (TSG&T), MPE’s wholesale power provider, power mix.

Other TSG&T Small Hydro (Colorado)
​MPE’s power mix also includes various small hydro generation from facilities in Parshall, Ridgeway, Durango, Boulder and Mancos.

Whiskey Hill Solar (Walden, Colo.) & Sifers Solar (Fraser. Colo.)
Each site is 1 MW (nameplate), includes 3,600 panels and generates approximately 2 million kilowatt-hours a year.

Middle Park High School PV Array (Granby, Colo.)
Approximately 4,000 kilowatt-hours a year of electricity (2.07 kW nameplate capacity). This project came online in 2010, and provided in-kind donations and grant-writing resources to this project.

Net-Metered/DG Residential & Commercial Solar (local)
MPE purchases net-metered and DG solar power from more than 200 of its members. Cumulatively, these renewable energy systems generate more than 2 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year.

Wholesale PV Generation (regionally generated)
~90 Megawatts of nameplate capacity.  Approximately 17 Gigawatt-hours of electricity per year delivered to MPE's power lines by Tri-State G&T. 

Community Solar
MPE continues to explore local community solar opportunities.

TSG&T, MPE’s power supplier, is in compliance with the Colorado renewable portfolio requirement and currently generates ~33% of its power supply from renewable resources. MPE will be 50% renewable by 2024.

Net-Metered Residential Wind Power (local)
MPE purchases net-metered wind generation from 4 of its residential members. Wind turbines produce approximately twice as much power in Jackson County as Grand County.

Kit Carson site, Colorado Highlands site, Carousel Wind site, Twin Buttes II site (regional)
367 Megawatts of nameplate capacity, more than 100 Gigawatt-hours of electricity per year delivered to MPE's power lines by Tri-State G&T, MPE's wholesale power supplier.

Local Biomass
MPE has analyzed numerous local biomass generation project proposals. Although there is an abundant amount of fuel (dead timber), the cost of generation remains significantly higher than purchased power from Tri-State G&T, MPE’s wholesale power supplier.

Green Power Program (local)
Established in 1999, MPE’s Green Power Program is funded by more than 1,200 MPE members. These voluntary contributors donate $1 or more a month to fund local renewable project rebates – $1,000 per project. Total funds disbursed since 2011: more than $300,000.

Miscellaneous Small Renewables (regional)
​Other TSG&T small renewable generation accounts for more than 2% of Tri-State G&T (MPE) power mix.