MPE Electric Rates
Residential Rate 1R and Small Commercial Rate 1C
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $33.22 per month
- Rate per kWh of metered monthly usage (includes kWh on Heat Meters): $0.11737 / kWh
Rate 1RWHO
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $33.22 per month
- On Peak kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.22626 / kWh
- Off Peak kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.07542 / kWh
On Peak Hours: 5 p.m. - 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday
Off Peak Hours: 10 p.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday and all day Sunday
*NOTE: 24-month commitment required to sign up for this voluntary rate option
Residential Rate 3R and Small Commercial Rate 3C
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $33.22 per month
- On Peak kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.11737 / kWh
- Off Peak kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.06034 / kWh
On Peak Hours: 3 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Off Peak Hours: 10 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Rate 6 or 6N
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $57.28 per month
- Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $5.87 / kW
- First 300 kWh per billing kW, per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.09374 / kWh
- Over 300 kWh per billing kW, per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.08296 / kWh
Rate 7 or 7N
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $114.55 per month
- Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $5.87 / kW
- First 300 kWh per billing kW, per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.09482 / kWh
- Over 300 kWh per billing kW, per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.08404 / kWh
Rate 7P
Same as Rate 7 Except Primary Service Discount of 3% on kWh and Demand Revenue
Rate 8
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $114.55 per month
- Rate per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.03770 / kWh
- MPE Coincidental Peak Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $23.80
- Non-Coincidental Peak Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $6.63
Rate 8P
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $229.10 per month
- Rate per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.03770 / kWh
- MPE Coincidental Peak Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $23.80
- Non-Coincidental Peak Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $6.63
Rate 8EVC
50 kW - 499 kW PEAK DEMAND
- Basic Service Availability Charge: $1.72 per installed kW (per month)
- Rate per kWh of metered monthly usage: $0.03770 / kWh (at cost)
- MPE Coincidental Peak Demand Charge, per kW of billing demand: $23.80 (at cost)
Street and Ornamental Lights (Non-metered)
- Street Lighting: $0.11737 per kWh
- Seasonal Lighting: $0.11737 per kWh
- 40-watt Security LED: 15 kWh, $7.15/month
- 70-watt Security (Street Light) LED: 26 kWh, $8.83/month
- Universal LED Street Lights: 25 kWh, $14.41/month
- Additional Poles: $4.40 per pole/month
No Longer Available for New Installations: Type, Monthly kWh, Monthly Charge per Light (No changes in proposed rates for 2024)
- 175-watt Mercury Vapor: 63 kWh, $12.32/month
- 250-watt Mercury Vapor: 90 kWh, $17.15/month
- 400-watt Mercury Vapor: 144 kWh, $21.97/month
- 100-watt High Pressure Sodium: 36 kWh, $12.32
- 250-watt High Pressure Sodium: 90 kWh, $21.97
- 400-watt High Pressure Sodium: 144 kWh, $27.82
- 40-watt LED Street Light: 15 kWh, $6.94
- 115-watt LED Street Light: 42 kWh, $11.30